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Does Roast Beef mean “I’m ready to settle down?”

Backward Investors

Old Dream

Low-fat croissants

Parlez-vous Restaurantian ?

Calorie Count

To be or not to be… speaking French ?

Keep on asking and you will receive

It’s going south

License to speak

Tour de Food

Who wants to live in Whatever-sur-Mer ?

EXpress yourself

How’s your skin today?

The nose job

Mission impossible?


Charity work

Sleepless in Paris



Tacos fever

Bon voyage !

À la vôtre !

Blind date

Pastis anyone ?

No plan B


La muse et le coq

La victoire de Michelle

Act #12: Who wants to live in Whatever-sur-Mer ?

-RE VERBS (IRREGULAR) like METTRE (to place, to put)

The verb mettre is irregular. Look carefully at its forms in the present.

METTRE (to put)

Je mets
Tu mets
Il/Elle met
Nous mettons
Vous mettez
Ils/Elles mettent

Mettre literally means “to place”, “to put”. It is also used in the following expressions:

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